IPIP-0288: TAR Response Format on HTTP Gateways

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GitHub ipfs/specs (inspect source, open issue)

1. Summary

Add TAR response format to the [path-gateway].

2. Motivation

Currently, the HTTP Gateway only allows for UnixFS deserialization of a single UnixFS file. Directories have to be downloaded one file at a time, using multiple requests, or as a CAR, which requires deserialization in userland, via additional tools like ipfs-car.

This is to illustrate we have a functional gap where user is currently unable to leverage trusted HTTP gateway for deserializing UnixFS directory tree. We would like to remove the need for dealing with CARs when a gateway is trusted (e.g., a localhost gateway).

An example use case is for the IPFS Web UI, which currently allows users to download directories using a workaround. This workaround works via a proprietary Kubo RPC API that only supports POST requests and the Web UI has to store the entire directory in memory before the user can download it.

By introducing TAR responses on the HTTP Gateway, we provide vendor-agnosic way of downloading entire directories in deserialized form, which increases utility and interop provided by HTTP gateways.

3. Detailed design

The solution is to allow the Gateway to support producing TAR archives by requesting them using either the Accept HTTP header or the format URL query.

4. Test fixtures

Existing curl and tar tools can be used by implementers for testing.

Providing static test vectors has little value here, as different TAR libraries may produce different byte-to-byte files due to unspecified ordering of files and directories inside.

However, there are certain behaviors, detailed in the security section that should be handled. To test such behaviors, the following fixtures can be used:

5. Design rationale

The current gateway already supports different response formats via the Accept HTTP header and the format URL query. This IPIP proposes adding one more supported format to that list.

5.1 User benefit

Users will be able to directly download deserialized UnixFS directories from the gateway. Having a single TAR stream is saving resources on both client and HTTP server, and removes complexity related to redundant buffering or CAR deserialization when gateway is trusted.

In the Web UI, for example, we will be able to create a direct link to download a directory, instead of using the API to put the whole file in memory before downloading it.

CLI users will be able to download a directory with existing tools like curl and tar without having to talk to implementation-specific RPC APIs like /api/v0/get from Kubo.

Fetching a directory from a local gateway will be as simple as:

$ export DIR_CID=bafybeigccimv3zqm5g4jt363faybagywkvqbrismoquogimy7kvz2sj7sq
$ curl "$DIR_CID?format=tar" | tar xv
bafybeigccimv3zqm5g4jt363faybagywkvqbrismoquogimy7kvz2sj7sq/1 - Barrel - Part 1 - alt.txt
bafybeigccimv3zqm5g4jt363faybagywkvqbrismoquogimy7kvz2sj7sq/1 - Barrel - Part 1 - transcript.txt
bafybeigccimv3zqm5g4jt363faybagywkvqbrismoquogimy7kvz2sj7sq/1 - Barrel - Part 1.png

5.2 Compatibility

This IPIP is backwards compatible: adds a new opt-in response type, does not modify preexisting behaviors.

Existing content type application/x-tar is used when request is made with an Accept header.

5.3 Security

Third-party UnixFS file names may include unexpected values, such as ../.

Manually created UnixFS DAGs can be turned into malicious TAR files. For example, if a UnixFS directory contains a file that points at a relative path outside its root, the unpacking of the TAR file may overwrite local files outside the expected destination.

In order to prevent this, the specification requires implementations to do basic sanitization of paths returned inside a TAR response.

If the UnixFS directory contains a file whose path points outside the root, the TAR file download should fail by force-closing the HTTP connection, leading to a network error.

To test this, we provide some test fixtures. The user should be suggested to use a CAR file if they want to download the raw files.

5.4 Alternatives

One discussed alternative would be to support uncompressed ZIP files. However, TAR and TAR-related libraries are already supported by some IPFS implementations, and are easier to work with in CLI. TAR provides simpler abstraction, and layering compression on top of TAR stream allows for greater flexibility than alternative options that come with own, opinionated approaches to compression.

In addition, we considered supporting Gzipped TAR out of the box, but decided against it as gzip or alternative compression may be introduced on the HTTP transport layer.

A. References

Path Gateway Specification. Marcin Rataj; Adrian Lanzafame; Vasco Santos; Oli Evans; Henrique Dias. 2024-04-17. URL: https://specs.ipfs.tech/http-gateways/path-gateway/

B. Acknowledgments

We gratefully acknowledge the following individuals for their valuable contributions, ranging from minor suggestions to major insights, which have shaped and improved this specification.

Henrique Dias GitHub
Marcin Rataj GitHub